Rule 1: Before you train your pup, train yourself on how to train her/him!
Your puppy is no different from a baby who has no sense of identity yet. Being calm and consistent while dealing with teaching lessons is the key that unlocks your pet’s mind to learning.
Here are various tips and information related to training…
A crate is a precious asset that provides your puppy with a secured area to hide away in your absence. So, keep one ready to use!
Another trick that works is to leave a treat lying in the crate and ask your puppy to go visit their crate. I am sure it will leave your puppy amused as it learns to take instruction.
You can mark prohibited and unsafe zones by using small gates and teach your puppy where not to cross boundaries. Compare pet insurance online anyway, in case they get through any barriers and hurt themselves or go missing.
You can teach your pet to go or remain in their spot by pointing towards their resting mat/couch/crate/rug. This helps when visitors are around.
Having a professional teaching some puppy manners and obedience will lessen your burden. Look into puppy training schools as a first step.
Observing what motivates your puppy will enable you to understand their likes and dislikes and train further accordingly.
You can buy some chewy treats that take a long time to chew if your puppy is constantly gnawing on your shoes and scattered toys.
When your puppy seems restless, pawing you, or barking, it is a call to pay some attention to them and take them out. Sometimes that is the only way to settle them down.
Train your puppy to socialize and build affection with other people and dogs while getting them familiar with a few places. Let them enjoy pleasant company on their own terms from time to time, which will help them not get stressed when you are not reachable.
Join communities and groups of similar pet owners. It provides you huge insights into pet behaviours, concerns, and sharing of problems and solutions. You will gain a vast pool of resources and experiences to engage in productive training sessions with your puppy.
Make it a point to introduce your little pet to all kinds of shapes and sizes, colours and forms, things and objects, people of diverse races and kinds, so that they don’t feel odd or awkward in new places and surroundings.
For a young puppy, always accompany them to your lawn to address their nature calls; this is to ensure it knows where its toilet spot is. Don’t forget to appreciate your puppy with words to indicate a job well done! This positive reinforcement is necessary to generate good vibes around toileting.
Teach your grown puppy to poop when on-leash as well as off-leash. This will come in handy down the track when they’re out and about and can’t be let off their leash in a particular location.
Use affirmations in your language like Good boy! Go potty! Let’s go! Hurry up! Great job! It gives a cue to your puppy regarding the action to be followed.
Don’t emphasise exercise and training too much with your young puppy, it will exhaust her both physically and mentally. Plus, she needs a lot of uninterrupted naps, so: Hush! Don’t disturb her.
In case you are taking her to any of the puppy classes make sure the other pups are vaccinated to avoid infectious transmissions.
The presence of rotten teeth is fatal; keep a regular check on the dental condition of your pup.
Keep the human baby and a puppy separate, to avoid any manhandling of your pup like poking, hanging her by the tail, pushing her into a pool, squeezing them like a soft toy, etc. Find cheap pet insurance as support in any case. The same goes for making sure the pup doesn’t hurt your bub.
Take your puppy out on a car drive, if you want her to get used to it. And please, avoid public places when first settling her into the great outdoors.
These are some of the foremost rules, however, there are entire encyclopedias of information and self-help books available on the internet to train your precious!